ole suites hotel

Food & beverages

Untuk pemesanan dari kamar:
Olè! Suites Hotel Ext 444 (EL-TORO)
Olè! Suites Cottage Ext 222 (Cafe Cottage)

Nasi Goreng Ole 50K
Ayam Bakar 55K
Ayam Sambel Ijo 45K
Ayam Penyet 50K
Bebek Penyet 65K
Cumi Sauce Padang 65K
Nasi Goreng Buntut 85K
Nasi Goreng Iga 70K
Nasi Goreng Vegetables 45K
Nasi Goreng Bakso Sosis 40K
Nasi Goreng Kampung 45K
Nasi Goreng Teri 43K
Nasi Goreng Seafood 50K
Nasi Goreng Ayam 40K
Pecel Ayam Kremes 45K
Paket Seafood (2pax) 95K
Rawon Daging 65K
Soto Ayam 45K
Sop Buntult/Sop Bakar 85K
Sop Iga/Sop Iga Bakar 75K
Tumis Tauge 20K
Tumis Kangkung 20K
Udang Goreng Tepung 45K
Udang Sauce Padang 55K

Main course


Mie Goreng Sapi/Seafood 45K
Bihun Goreng Sapi/Seafood 40K
Kwetiau Goreng Sapi/Seafood 45K


Chicken Steak 50K
Fish and Chip 55K
Spaghetti Carbonara 40K
Spaghetti Bolognese 45K
Calamari Rings 50K

Appetizer & Snacks

Roti Bakar Coklat Keju/ Keju Susu 25K
Singkong Goreng Original 17K
Singkong Goreng Keju Susu 25K
Pisang Bakar Coklat KEju/keju susu 20K
Pisang Goreng Coklat KEju/keju susu 20K
Colenak 20K
Tempe Mendoan 20K
French Fries 25K
Jasuke 20K
Chicken Wings With French Fries 45K
Sosis Bakar Besar 35K
Sosis Bakar Kecil 25


 Ice / Hot

Hot Tea Pot 20K
Iced Tea 15K
Hot Tea 10K
Chocolate 35K/30K
Lemon Tea 25K/20K
Lychees Tea 30K/25K
Green Tea 33K/30K
Redvelvet 33K/30K
Taro 33K/30K
Thai Tea 33K/30K
Iced Lemon Selasih 28K
Iced Lumut: Chocolate/Durian/Mango/Melon 30K


 Fresh Juices

Avocado Juice 33K
Mango juice 33K
Pineapple Juice 33K
Melon Juice 33K
Orange Juice 33K
Avocado Shake 33K
Strawberry Juice 33K

Blended Drinks

Chocolate Milkshake 35K
Cookies and Cream 35K
Redvelvet Milkshake 35K
Strawberry Milkshake 35K
Taro Milkshake 35K
Thai Tea Milkshake 35K
Vanilla Milkshake 35K
Greentea Milkshake 35K
Banana Milkshake 35K


 Ice / Hot

Iced/Hot Americano 35K/30K
Iced/Hot Capuccino 35K/30K
Iced/Hot Cafe Latte 32K/30K
Hot Kopi Tubruk 17K
Hot Espresso Double 25K
Affogato 27K
Coffee Float 35K


Banana Split 40K
Ice Cream 40K

Soft Drink

Mineral Water 15K

Untuk pemesanan dari kamar:
Olè! Suites Hotel Ext 444 (EL-TORO)
Olè! Suites Cottage Ext 222 (Cafe Cottage)